Explore the Alpine Way

The Alpine Way is a spectacular road trip, full of many twists and turns. It’s thought of as one of the iconic Australian road trips, taking travellers from the magnificent Snowy Mountains, across the Great Dividing Range, and through stunning forests. The history of the Alpine Way stretches back millions of years, and even now it is one of the most popular road trips to take during the spring and summer months. It’s a relatively short one too, at just 100 kilometres in length from Jindabyne to Khancoban. However, we recommend taking your time as you explore along this impressive route, because of its incredible views, impressive adventures, and beautiful history. This blog will be all about exploring the Alpine Way, so grab your favourite road snacks, and get ready for a stunning trip. 

The road leading from Cooma.
Start Your Trip at Cooma

Cooma is considered to be the starting point of the Alpine Way. It’s a four-hour drive from Sydney and is full of history and learning that will ease you into the depths of the road ahead. Stop by the impressive Snowy Hydro Discovery Centre, where you’ll learn about one of the most complex integrated water and hydroelectric power schemes in the world. The scheme is called the Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric Scheme and it is located right here, in the Snowy Mountains, and is incredible to learn about prior to driving alongside it. 

Drive to Jindabyne

This stretch of road will be the first of many ‘wow’ moments. As you arrive in Jindabyne, keep a lookout for Lake Jindabyne: it’s stunning flat surface creates a pool effect that is simply stunning. The town of Jindabyne sits around the lake, which makes it a very beautiful spot to stop, sit down or stroll through, as you take in the alpine scenery. You could even cycle around the lake via the Lake Jindabyne Foreshore Trail, which would be a fantastic way to get some fresh air and break up the trip. 

Next up is Kosciuszko National Park

Famous for the likes of Thredbo and Perisher, Kosciuszko is affectionately known by many Australians as simply ‘The Snow’. However, it’s a fantastic national park to visit all year round: once the snow melts and the alpine land breaks through, you can hike along the very land that many whizz down during winter. For those feeling adventurous, here is where you can walk to the summit of Mount Kosciuszko, which is the highest peak in Australia. It’s a whopping 2228 metres above sea level at the top, but to get here you’ll get to walk through alpine meadows, wildflowers, and beautiful views. 

Enjoy the Aussie Alps

As you leave Thredbo, take a moment to appreciate the mountainous landscape around you. While the Aussie Alps might not be as famous as their European counterparts, the twists and turns of the road as you pass through the rolling alpine hills is nothing short of magical. Make sure to take plenty of scenic stops to snap an Insta update or two - after all, your friends will want to keep updated with what you’re up to while on this road trip!

Alpine road with Autumnal trees.
Finish at Khancoban

Khancoban is where you’ll finish this beautiful stretch of road. It sits to the west of Kosciuszko National Park and was originally built to house workers who were participating in the Snowy Mountains Scheme. If you have the time, be sure to stay awhile to appreciate the beautiful lake that forms the centre point of the town. You can kayak, fish, and play watersports while you’re here. It’s a beautiful end to a great trip, that’s for sure. 

While many think of this area for the fun winter adventures and snow-filled days, the Alpine Way is pretty spectacular all year round. With rolling hills, winding roads, and incredible mountains, you’ll never get bored while journeying through this 100-kilometre stretch of road. We recommend stretching out this trip for as long as you can - after all, there’s plenty to do and see while you’re here. 

To explore the Alpine Way, hire a car from Cooma today!

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